Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Closed for business.

Thinking through, I don't think it's feasible to run this blog on it's own, but rather to integrate with my main blog.

BUT FRET NOT. I will be continuing this campaign nonetheless.

The past few days of blogging has rekindled my former passion of logging daily activities down. And I find that there's no point in mainting 3 blogs at the same time.

While this blog may cease continuity, it shall not cease to exist.


I'll be posting there again. See you there!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Day 5

Vesak day

Woke up late, met up with chunyew for lunch and gym in bedok. His arm is still in pain though. Won't be healed until another year or so. Went over to his grandma's place to take a look at his bike. Then had dinner there. Chicken rice for lunch and dinner woohoo.

Came home and went for a run. Tired but feeling good. Probably gonna have an early night and it's work again tomorrow.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Day 4

Today wasn't a particularly interesting day, woke up earlier to work as Felix isn't around to fetch me to camp, for the next two weeks at least. Ugh. Anyway no superior from my sub unit was around. Either on leave, course or having day off. Did my work nonetheless. Though at some point I did slack off from work.

Went home, had dinner with family. Had my hair cut, and went home to do some modelling.

Built an RX-0 Unicorn gundam head bust. The face plate flips and changes! Though it wouldn't be so feasible when it's painted. Paint will start scratching and peeling off then. I'll have to decide on a pose and stick with it. What a waste of the gimmicks though. Oh well.

Like I said. Wasn't a particularly interesting day, but happy nonetheless. :)

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Day 3

Started off with a nice lunch at Seoul garden at downtown east to celebrate mothers day!

Went off to sim lim to meet cheng and his gf for computer shopping. Ended up paying a deposit for a graphics card. Pretty psyched about the new com!

Went off to chong pang for dinner, then headed home for a run. Pretty simple Sunday,  but I'm happy. Isn't it all that matters? Haha.

Janet and shuk flew to krabi for a climbing trip this morning, wish I could go on a holiday too. Conscription ugh. Thinking of a trip when I Ord though. Can't wait.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Day 2

Went back to school to build the long forgotten beargguy 3. Still thinking about colour scheme tho. Maybe light blue and white, pink ribbon. Still playing around with colour schemes in my head.

Met with Shuk, Janet, Stanley and Ernest at fensgshan for bak chor mee supper! Haven't had it in a while, missed it. Which reminds me  haven't paid for the noodles yet. Oops :X

Went over to aunt's place to play with the dogs and some mahjong. Lost money, meh. Speaking of which, mum won 4d! Haha.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Day 1

Awesome start for the campaign!

Half day off from work, ran 6km around the neighbourhood.

Failed gym session with janet tho. I blame the slow bus for getting me there late haha. Anyway we did PT instead. So physically exhausting yet rewarding. lower back muscles still sore though.

Had sashimi as a reward afterwards (zomg salmonnn). Couldn't think of a better incentive than that.

Managed to get a mothers day gift for my beloved mom.

Body aching while lying on bed ready to sleep. Enjoy the pain,  for it is a sign of good things to come!

Also: awesome mango smoothie.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Rolling the ball

To get the ball rolling and start posting, I've started a campaign for myself, to feel better, happier, healthier.

This is an experiment to see how far I could go if I used a positive mindset on everything.

I never realized I had this void inside of me, like an empty gap so to speak. It became empty when I decided to give up on my long time interest, some so-called friends and unable to do activities due to my physical health. For quite some time, I felt empty, lonely, without a purpose, craving for affection and attention. Walking around everyday with a heavy heart and a mind crowded with thoughts.

But it doesn't have to be this way. If I approached these things with a positive attitude, and fill the void with other things that make me happy, I don't have to feel this way. I don't have to cry over spilled milk.

So here I am with a target. Start off with a hundred days of being happy. Spending this time on the people I care about, and doing things that keep me happy and cheerful. Easier said than done, I know. That's why this blog was set up to log my progress. If this succeeds, I'll take this opportunity to carry this mindset for as long as I can, forever perhaps.

So join me on this journey while I discover my direction and purpose in life. And in doing so, achieving happiness inside me.